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Easy & Affordable Dog Training

Customized training designed for you and your best friend's needs.
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Trusted by 200,000+ customers
Customized Training Plan
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Full refund if you are not satisfied with your solution
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How it Works

3-minute assessment

Help us understand exactly what you and your doggo are looking for

Schedule a session

Schedule your 1-1 call or begin your customized self paced lessons.

Start training

Start the journey towards a deeper bond.

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Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your training program after seven days, we will refund 100% of your payment*

What our dog parents are saying

Verified customers. Real reviews.
I had a lot of questions and I really appreciated the promptness, guidance they provided and professionalism of the responses. The training videos were helpful and easy to follow."
“Helpful and easy to follow.
Stacy C. Colorado, USA
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An image of 5 green stars
I was in a really bad horseback riding accident with head injuries and still working through sensory overload, which happens at airports, social environments, and travel. Being able to have my dog as a trained and certified psychiatric service dog will speed up my recovery.”
Lauren W. Arizona, USA
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“Trustworthy and knowledgeable.
An image of people with their dog
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