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Service Dogs & Service Animals

These articles are about content related to service animals. They will help you understand more about the process and benefits for having a service dog or animal.

April Brightman
January 12, 2024
Updated By
December 11, 2023
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Service Dogs & Service Animals

A service dog, including psychiatric service dogs, is a highly trained canine companion that assists individuals with disabilities by performing specific tasks or providing emotional support. Psychiatric service dogs are specifically trained to support individuals with mental health conditions, such as PTSD or anxiety, by offering comfort, alerting to distressing situations, and facilitating a sense of security and stability.

What is a Service Dog?

Service dogs have an important job in the lives of individuals with disabilities and play an essential role in assisting their handlers in enjoying a better quality of life. The comforting presence and necessary aid they provide to people with disabilities are unmatched when it comes to managing certain conditions. Service dogs are an important piece of the puzzle in managing many disabilities.

Service dogs are a type of assistance animal trained to work. They receive individual training in order to be able to perform specific tasks that support a person with a disability. Service dogs can be any age, size, or breed and provide assistance for many different disabilities.

What do Service Dogs Do?

Service dogs can perform a variety of tasks that support different types of disabilities. Whether they’re providing support for psychiatric conditions, mobility support, or retrieving items for their handler, the tasks that service dogs are trained to perform are essential in helping improve the lives of people with disabilities.

Types of Service Dogs

The type of service dog that’s best for you depends on your disability and specific needs. These different types of service dogs are trained to perform certain tasks that support individual disabilities. These service dogs focus on jobs that assist, protect, and make the lives of their handlers.

Psychiatric Service Dogs

Psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) support people with psychiatric and cognitive disabilities. They might help their owners mitigate symptoms of stress caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or anxiety and help to calm their owners. PDSs may also give medication reminders, or alert their handler when they sense an oncoming panic attack or seizure.

Guide Dogs

Guide dogs, sometimes called “seeing-eye dogs” in the U.S., are a type of service animal specially trained to lead the blind or people who have other visual impairments. Guide dogs use their training and senses to observe and evaluate the best ways to help their handlers be mobile. They can find doors to enter or exit, keep their handlers in crosswalks, and judge the height of steps when climbing up or down stairs. Guide dogs can be helpful for folks with a number of disabilities.

Mobility Assistance Dogs

Service dogs who provide mobility assistance are a major benefit to people who have disabilities that include mobility issues. Their main job is to help people with physical impairments to be able to move around. Mobility assistance dogs can open and close doors, pull wheelchairs near when it’s time to transfer from a chair or bed or pick up items that may drop and be a challenge for their handler to retrieve on their own.

Alert Dogs

Alert dogs are another type of service dog that perform essential functions for people with disabilities. Sometimes referred to as “medical alert dogs,” are trained to sense oncoming medical episodes like those caused by seizures and panic disorders. Interestingly, this ability is actually innate within most dogs and the majority of training for this task is to alert once they’ve detected. Once they sense an impending episode, their job is to alert their handler, lead them to safety, and trigger an alarm for emergency services if necessary.

Who Qualifies for a Service Dog?

To qualify for a service dog there are a few necessary steps. First, you need to have a disability that falls under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) definition. Next, you’ll need documentation of that disability from a doctor or other healthcare professional stating that you have and are being treated for a psychiatric or physical disability and that your treatment plan includes a service dog.

Service Dog Training Requirements

Training requirements for service dogs are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and state that while service dogs and other service animals aren’t required to be professionally trained, they must be individually trained to perform tasks specific to their handlers’ disability.

How to Train a Service Dog

There are a few options for how to train a service dog. You can get a service dog that’s already been trained from a number of different organizations around the country, you can pay to have a service dog trained by professionals, or you can train your service dog yourself with guidance from online service dog training courses.

What Animals Can Be Service Animals?

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the only types of animals that can be service animals are dogs and miniature horses. There are no restrictions on dogs other than being in the canine family, and dogs of any age, size, or breed can become service animals.

Service Dog Laws

Service dog laws not only define the criteria for service animals but also protect individuals with disabilities and the right to have their service dog with them in places where pets typically can’t go. These laws are generally defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA), and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA).

Where Are Service Dogs Allowed to Go?

In general, service dogs are able to go anywhere their handlers go. This includes anywhere open to the public like businesses, restaurants, medical offices, schools, and hotels. They’re also allowed to join their handlers in most housing situations that don’t typically allow pets since service animals aren’t legally considered pets, but rather medical tools used to manage a disability. 

GO Deeper

What is a Psychiatric Service Dog?

Service dogs generally fall under one of several categories, and psychiatric service dogs are just one of the essential types of service animals supporting people with disabilities. Supporting individuals with psychiatric disabilities is the main job of a psychiatric service dog.

Psychiatric service dogs specifically support those with cognitive disabilities and mental health conditions. The types of disabilities that psychiatric service dogs support aren’t always immediately apparent, but the individuals who live with such conditions benefit greatly from the support of these assistance animals and are able to lead a more independent and fulfilling life.

What do Psychiatric Service Dogs Do?

Psychiatric service dogs support a variety of psychiatric conditions. Examples of the types of disabilities psychiatric service dogs can support include anxiety, autism, bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Some of the tasks that psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) perform might be retrieving medications or other important items for their handler, and even giving reminders to take medications. PSDs can also provide support to handlers by guiding them to safety in dangerous or overwhelming situations, and serve as a calming presence during times of panic or episodes 

Psychiatric Service Dogs VS Emotional Support Animals

The main difference between psychiatric service dogs and emotional support animals comes down to training. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service dogs do not have to be professionally trained but must receive direct individual training and be able to perform tasks that support their handler’s disability. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) do not have to be trained to perform tasks and aren’t required to undergo any other training. ESAs provide support to their handlers with disabilities with presence instead of performance. 

Who Can Benefit From a Psychiatric Service Dog?

Service dogs can be the difference between getting through life and enjoying it, and those who experience challenges as a direct result of their disability are among those who can benefit most. The benefits of psychiatric service dogs are indisputable, and individuals with a variety of disabilities can enjoy a better quality of life because of them. 

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How to Get a Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD)

Psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) are are special kind of service dog that assists people with their mental health disabilities. In order to get a service dog, you need to consult with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) who will confirm you qualify, and then train your PSD.

How Does a Dog Become a Service Dog?

Dogs don’t become service animals overnight. There’s a process to getting your dog legitimately certified as a service dog. While any dog can become a service animal under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regardless of things like age and breed, there are training requirements in order for them to be considered legal and legit, and be protected under service animal laws.

Service dogs are considered legal and legitimate and protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) once they’ve been properly trained, though they do not have to be professionally trained. You have the option to train your dog yourself or have them trained by enrolling in training courses. There are no official guidelines for who can train a dog to become a service dog, and there are several organizations in each state that can help with different training needs. Of course, you legally have the right and the option to train your service dog yourself.

Service Dog Training Requirements

In order for service dogs to be considered properly trained, they have to undergo certain instructions to meet the requirements for being a service dog and to be protected under the law. Legal protections for service dogs include being able to accompany their handlers in public places, areas that don’t typically allow pets, travel on public transportation, and have access to housing where pets who aren’t service dogs have restrictions. These are the general service dog training requirements:

General Obedience

General obedience for service dogs typically means being able to follow commands consistently, and being comfortable under the control of their handler whether by leash or verbal command. It’s important to have a strong level of trust with any dog in public, particularly with service dogs who are more often than not “on duty” while in public. Service dogs have to be able to reliably follow commands from their handlers and should be able to follow general obedience commands like come, sit, stay, heel, and lie down without fail.

Behavior in Public

Since service dogs are legally allowed to accompany their handlers anywhere people can go, it’s important that they’re able to maintain their behavior in public. Staying calm in unfamiliar situations or environments, following their handlers’ commands regardless of distractions, continuing to do their job, and performing supportive tasks are all essential for service dogs to be properly trained for public access.

Disability Related Service Dog Tasks

Finally, the most important requirement for service dogs is that they’re able to perform disability-related tasks. This means tasks that directly support their handler’s disability, like guiding a person who is blind, physically pulling a person who uses a wheelchair, or sounding the alarm for help when an individual has a seizure.

How to Train a Service Dog

There are typically two options for how to train a service dog. You can choose either in-person service dog training with an individual trainer or group classes, or you can choose online service dog training and train your dog yourself with professional guidance. Both types of training options have pros and cons. To determine which service dog training is right for you, consider things like your dog's previous level of training, their personality, your comfort level in training them yourself or with instruction, your schedule, and your budget.

Online Service Dog Training

Online service dog training is just as effective as in-person dog training and allows for a lot more flexibility. Training a service dog using online courses like those offered by Pettable lets you complete training sessions on your own schedule, move through topics with your dog at your own pace, and is much more affordable than in-person training. Online dog training allows you to choose your focus, your schedule, and your budget.

In-Person Service Dog Training

In-person service dog training can be beneficial for lots of dogs and their owners. Whether you’re receiving individual instruction or joining group training classes, you’ll be able to have a more hands-on experience with service dog training. The cost for in-person service dog training varies depending on your area but is generally two to three times the price of online service dog training. 

GO Deeper

Training a Psychiatric Service Dog: A Complete Guide

Training a psychiatric service dog requires some know-how and expertise, but with the right guidance, anyone is capable. Training a service dog includes teaching them some basic obedience skills as well as training them on a disability-specific task they can perform.

More on Service Dogs & Service Animals

A public access test for service dogs is used to see if a service animal is sufficiently trained to be taken out in public safely.

Public Access Test for Service Dogs

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
June 4, 2024
If you need a psychiatric service dog in California, you must ensure the dog is fully trained. Pettable offers online PSD training that can help.

Psychiatric Service Dog California - Training & Certification

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2024
Learn the benefits of having a doctor's note for your service dog. Discover how it can support your need for a service animal.

How to Get a Doctor’s Note For a Service Dog

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
April 11, 2024
To get a service dog in NY, apply through a certified organization, meet ADA qualifications, and complete required training with the dog.

How to Get a Service Dog in New York

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
April 4, 2024
In California, to get a service dog, apply through a certified training program, meet ADA requirements, and complete specific training for your needs.

How to Get a Service Dog in California

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
April 4, 2024
Learn how an OCD service dog can help manage obsessive-compulsive disorder. Discover the benefits and training techniques for these specialized dogs.

How an OCD Service Dog Can Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
February 21, 2024
HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) generally cover qualified medical expenses. While service dog expenses may qualify, consult tax experts for specific guidance.

Can I Use My HSA For a Service Dog?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
February 7, 2024
Generally FSAs cover eligible medical expenses. Service dog expenses may qualify with a medical necessity letter, but check IRS rules for specifics.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) For Your Service Dog

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
January 25, 2024
Though a psychiatric service dog (PSD) letter is not a necessity, it can be useful for protecting your rights. Get one from an LMHP in your state.

What is a Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) Letter & How to Get One

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
November 29, 2023
Discover ADA guidelines for service animals: rights, regulations, and responsibilities. Ensure equal access today!

ADA Service Dog Laws: What You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
November 22, 2023
Obtaining a psychiatric service dog can be costly, from training costs to obtaining documentation. However, there are budget-friendly options.

What are the Costs Associated with a Psychiatric Service Dog?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
November 21, 2023
Under the ADA, a service dog is defined as individually trained for specific tasks. There is no federal registry and no registration is needed.

Does a Federal Service Dog Registration Exist?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
November 9, 2023
Be aware of sites and organizations offering illegitimate service dog registration that does not provide benefit.

Service Dog Registration and Certification Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
October 30, 2023
Learn how an ADHD service dog can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Discover the benefits and training techniques for these specialized dogs.

4 Ways an ADHD Service Dog Can Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Pettable Staff
Pettable Staff
January 12, 2024
September 8, 2023
Learn if a psychiatric service dog is right for managing Borderline Personality Disorder. Discover the benefits and steps to qualify for a service dog.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Service Dog - How They Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Pettable Staff
Pettable Staff
January 12, 2024
September 7, 2023
Discover effective techniques for training your own anxiety service dog with practical guidance. Improve your mental health with a well-trained service dog.

How to Train a Service Dog for Anxiety - A Complete Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
July 13, 2023
Train your own service dog with Pettable's professional guidance. No professional trainer is required under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

How to Train Your Own Service Dog at Home

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
July 5, 2023
Discover how a Giant Schnauzer can serve as a helpful service dog. Learn about their qualities and training for providing essential support.

Giant Schnauzer Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
June 23, 2023
Of the many service dog training options, online training courses can be the most cost-effective solution. Learn more about service dog training costs.

How Much Does it Cost to Train a Service Dog?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
June 12, 2023
Discover the time-efficient way to train your own service dog. Learn effective techniques through Pettable's online training program.

How Long Does it Take to Train a Service Dog?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
June 12, 2023
If you have a physical or mental disability a Boxer service dog may be a valuable companion. Learn everything you need to know about a Boxer service dog.

Boxer Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
June 8, 2023
If you have a disability that impacts your daily life, you may want to consider a Shih Tzu service dog as your next companion.

Shih Tzu Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
June 6, 2023
If you have a mental or physical disability, a Beagle service dog could be a valuable companion. Find out more about how a service dog could help you.

Beagle Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
June 5, 2023
A Bernese Mountain Dog service dog can provide individuals with disabilities significant help in their day-to-day life. Find out if they are right for you.

Bernese Mountain Dog Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
June 5, 2023
Transform your life with a French Bulldog service dog as a devoted companion. Discover the profound impact a service dog can have on daily living.

French Bulldog Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
May 31, 2023
If you have a disability that impacts your daily life, you should consider a Pug service dog. Find out more about how a Pug service dog could help you.

Can Pugs Be Service Dogs? - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
May 30, 2023
 Transform your life with a Samoyed service dog as a loyal companion. Discover the profound impact a service dog can have on daily living.

Samoyed Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
May 29, 2023
If you have a disability that impacts your daily life, a Dachshund service dog may be able to help. Find out if a service dog is right for you.

Dachshund Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
May 25, 2023
Traveling with a service dog can be a stressful affair both for you and your furry companion. Read these top tips to ensure your travel day goes smoothly.

8 Tips for Traveling With a Service Dog

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
May 24, 2023
Transform your life with a Belgian Malinois service dog as a devoted companion. Discover the profound impact a service dog can have on daily living.

Belgian Malinois Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
May 23, 2023
Service dogs are permitted into most public places where pet dogs are prohibited. Find out more about service dog rights with Pettable.

Are Service Dogs Allowed in Restaurants?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
May 23, 2023
Discover the potential mental health benefits of Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSDs) for veterans. Learn how PSDs can support your well-being. Explore more now.

Service Dogs for Veterans - A Complete Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
May 22, 2023
If you have a dog or miniature horse, you may be able to make them a service animal. Find out more about what animals can be service animals with Pettable.

What Animals Can Be Service Animals?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
May 16, 2023
Looking to train a service dog? This list of the top 25 service dog commands will help you teach your dog the skills to be a successful service animal.

Top 25 Essential Service Dog Commands

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
May 15, 2023
Getting a service dog in Florida is a simple process. Learn all the requirements to get a service dog in your state with Pettable.

How to Get a Service Dog in Florida

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
May 10, 2023
Psychiatric Service Dogs can provide benefits for people with Schizophrenia. Find out if a psychiatric service dog is right for you and how to qualify.

How a Service Dog Can Help With Schizophrenia

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
May 4, 2023
Psychiatric Service Dogs can be trained on a variety of tasks to assist people with Autism. Learn more about what tasks you can teach a PSD with Pettable.

Top 5 Autism Service Dog Tasks to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
April Brightman
April Brightman
January 12, 2024
May 4, 2023
Getting a service dog in Texas is a simple process. Learn about all the requirements to get a service dog in your state with Pettable.

How to Get a Service Dog in Texas - A Complete Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
April 26, 2023
It is important to know you and your service dogs rights. Gain an understanding of service dog laws and more with Pettable.

Can You Legally Ask for Proof of Service Dog?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
April 24, 2023
There is more to service dogs than wearing a vest. Learn the difference between legitimate and illegitimate service dogs with Pettable.

Real Service Dog Vest vs Fake: What is the Difference?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Kristi Carignan
Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2023
Explore diverse service dog types and their invaluable assistance. Discover how these remarkable dogs help in various ways on Pettable.

Types of Service Dogs and What They Do

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Matt Fleming
Matt Fleming
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2023
Service dogs can provide benefits for individuals with a variety of disabilities. Find out who qualifies and how to get a service dog with Pettable.

What Disabilities Qualify for a Service Dog? - A Complete Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Psychiatric Service Dogs can provide benefits for people who get panic attacks. Find out if a psychiatric service dog is right for you and how to qualify.

Service Dogs for Panic Attacks - Everything You Need To Know (2024)

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Are hotels legally allowed to charge a fee for service dogs? Learn more about service dog rights and how to get a service dog with Pettable.

Can a Hotel Charge for a Service Dog?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 12, 2023
Having a service dog can be an essential part of your life, but there are costs attached. Learn about service dog pricing and your different options.

How Much Does A Service Dog Cost?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
For those struggling with mental health disorders like anxiety, psychiatric service dogs offer a way of mitigating symptoms associated with the condition.

How a Service Dog for Anxiety Can Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 5, 2023
Discover the benefits of Deep-Pressure Therapy (DPT) dogs for anxiety and PTSD. Learn how these trained service dogs can provide significant mental health support.

How a Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT) Dog Can Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
July 13, 2023
 Discover the rules governing service dogs in public places. Explore leash requirements and other important laws surrounding service dog behavior on Pettable.

Do Service Dogs Have to Be on a Leash?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
May 19, 2023
Any dog can serve as a PTSD service dog with the proper training, but some breeds have a natural leg up. These are the top 8 breeds you should consider.

The 8 Best Service Dog Breeds for PTSD

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 28, 2023
Psychiatric service dogs can be an effective treatment for those suffering from depression. Find out how to train a psychiatric service dog to help you.

Service Dog for Depression: A Complete Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 24, 2023
A service dog can be invaluable for those who live with a mental health or physical disability. This guide will teach you how to make your pet a service dog.

How to Make Your Dog a Service Dog

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 4, 2023
Training a psychiatric service dog to support your mental health needs is no small task, but this guide can help. Train your PSD with Pettable today.

Training a Psychiatric Service Dog: A Complete Guide

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 15, 2023
There are many misconceptions about what tasks service dogs are trained to perform. For instance, are they trained not to bark? Read on for the answer.

Do Service Animals Bark?

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
May 18, 2023
If you have a mental health disability, a psychiatric service dog may be beneficial to you. With the proper training, a PSD can be a valuable companion.

How to Get a Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD)

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
September 27, 2023
If you are looking for a service dog, then you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about service dogs for seizures.

Service Dog for Seizures: How to Qualify

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 24, 2023
When you have diabetes, it’s not always easy to tell when a dangerous drop in blood sugar is coming. Learn how a diabetes service dog can help.

How a Service Animal for Diabetes Can Help You

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 3, 2023
Psychiatric service dogs provide emotional support and assistance with essential tasks to help people with autism lead more independent lives.

Service Dog for Autism - How They Can Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 28, 2023
If you’re struggling with your mental health, you could benefit from the presence of a service dog in your life. Read on to learn more about service dogs.

How Service Animals for Mental Health Can Help

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 1, 2023
If you have PTSD, a psychiatric service animal can be an additional course of treatment. Here is what you need to know about these service animals.

PTSD Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 1, 2023
Service dogs are indispensible companions that assist those with disabilities. Find out how to train one yourself with Pettable.

Psychiatric Service Dog Training - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
March 16, 2023
Considering a Psychiatric Service Dog? Discover the best support dog breeds tailored to your needs or your loved ones'. Contact Pettable for further details.

Best Service Dog Breeds for Physical or Mental Disabilities

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
February 1, 2023
Transform your life with a Rottweiler service dog as a loyal companion. Discover the profound impact a Rottweiler can have on daily living.

Rottweiler Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Can poodles become service dogs? Check out this complete poodle service dog guide from Pettable, filled with helpful info and tips.

Poodle Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Pitbulls have the potential to make great service dogs. Find out how you can have a pit bull service dog and your protection under the ADA and FHA.

Pitbull Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 13, 2023
Learn about Labradoodles as service dogs and their hypoallergenic qualities. Discover if a Labradoodle is the right service dog for you.

Labradoodle Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
A gentle demeanor combined with large size are unique advantages that a Great Dane service dog offers.

Great Dane Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2023
Find out if a Goldendoodle is the right service dog for you. Explore their qualities and training requirements to make an informed decision.

Goldendoodle Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Discover if Chihuahuas are the ideal breed for your service dog. Explore our comprehensive guide to getting your own service dog and make an informed decision.

Chihuahua Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2023
Discover if Border Collies are the right breed for your service dog needs with our comprehensive guide.

Border Collie Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Find out if an Australian Shepherd is the right service dog for you. Explore their qualities and training requirements to make an informed decision.

Australian Shepherd Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2023
Explore if a German Shepherd is the right service dog for you. Learn about their qualities and training for providing essential support.

German Shepherd Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
A husky service dog is often not the first choice, due to perceived stubbornness. With effective training, however, a husky can be a good service animal.

Husky Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 14, 2023
Find out if a Golden Retriever is the ideal service dog for you. Explore their qualities and training requirements for a well-suited service dog.

Golden Retriever Service Dog - Everything You Need to Know

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 17, 2023
Take our quiz to see if you qualify for a Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD). Discover the requirements and benefits of having a PSD for mental health support.

Do I Qualify For A Psychiatric Service Animal Quiz

Service Dogs & Service Animals
Pettable Staff
Pettable Staff
January 12, 2024
February 1, 2023

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