Husky Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

April 14, 2023
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A husky service dog is often not the first choice, due to perceived stubbornness. With effective training, however, a husky can be a good service animal.
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Husky Service Dog - Everything You Need To Know

Huskies are known for their intelligence, strength, and friendly disposition, making them well-suited for certain service roles. Due to their endurance and pulling capabilities, they can be trained for tasks such as mobility assistance, helping individuals with physical disabilities by pulling wheelchairs or aiding in balance support.

Susana Bradford
January 15, 2025
April 14, 2023
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April 14, 2023
May 20, 2022
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A husky service dog is often not the first choice, due to perceived stubbornness. With effective training, however, a husky can be a good service animal.

Huskies are not typically considered the first choice for a service dog. However, that does not mean a husky is a wrong choice. Good service dogs derive from all types of dog breeds, and in many cases, huskies can make great service dogs.

We did the research to help you better understand what good service dogs do (and how they differ from emotional support animals), why we think you should consider choosing a husky for a service dog, and where to find a husky service dog.

Huskies make good service dogs, as they are easy to train and are intelligent during service dog training. Other dogs make good service dogs, but huskies have a mentality of being guard dogs and make ideal service dogs as they were initially bred to be working dogs.

Throughout dog training, some types of service dogs are better for service dog work than others. Huskies make good service dogs, as they are loyal, much like a Labrador Retriever, and strong, like a German Shepherd.

Husky Service Dog

Service dogs can be trained to assist individuals with disabilities, including those with psychiatric or emotional needs. Huskies make excellent service dogs due to their intelligence, loyalty, and adaptability to various environments.

The Bottom Line

  • What are service dogs? Service dogs assist their human owners with specific disabilities or mental health diagnoses, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. A good service dog is trained to pay attention only to its owner or service dog handlers. Any other dog that appears to be easily distracted or is ill-behaved is not a service dog.
  • Why Huskies as service dogs? Huskies are intelligent, strong, and loving dogs that can be trained in many ways, making them an excellent option for service dogs.
  • What's the difference between a service dog vs. an ESA? Service animals must receive special training for their roles, but Emotional Support Animals help their owners through their presence.

What Are Service Dogs?

Service dogs can help their human owners cope with a specific disability. One of the most commonly recognized service dogs is a seeing-eye dog. However, other service animals focus on services like psychiatric service dogs receiving substantial training to assist humans with mental disabilities like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or other conditions.

Why Huskies Make Great Service Dogs

While huskies are often not the obvious choice for service dogs, they're not the worst. There are several reasons why.


One of the primary reasons to consider Siberian huskies as service dogs is their intelligence. The Smart Canine claims that huskies have below-average dog intelligence by some metrics. However, they are smart where it matters: in their strong ability to communicate with humans.

Huskies have considerable adaptive intelligence and are uniquely independent-minded. In the history of their relationship with humans, they have worked as search-and-rescue dogs, communication-oriented animals, and of course, great sled dogs. In short, they have a diverse set of potential skills, and their intelligence can make them capable and reliable service animals with training.

Size and Physical Characteristics

The Siberian husky can also make a good service dog due to its particular size. Most huskies weigh between 35 and 60 pounds putting them solidly in the range of medium-sized dogs: not too big and not too small. In other words, most huskies are big enough to effectively support their owners, with a sizable profile sufficient to assist reliably in public. However, they are not so large that they cannot conveniently accompany owners in cars, trains, or other forms of public transportation.

Huskies are also notoriously vocal dogs. This physical attribute can make them more capable of communicating effectively with their owners.

Climate Adaptation

While huskies can make fantastic service dogs, it is essential that they best fulfill this function in climates that are appropriate to their breeding. The classic image of huskies pulling sleds in the Arctic is more than a myth. Huskies are bred for — and are most suited to — cold climates. Their thick coat can become uncomfortable in an excessively hot or humid environment. Aside from being inherently harsh to the animal, this can also undercut dog training and service dog work; after all, if they are more uncomfortable, they will have trouble performing their job.

In short, while a Siberian husky can be a good service dog, don't forget the 'Siberian' part. If you live in a warm climate, you should probably consider an alternative breed as a dog owner.

Love for Humans

Huskies have a reputation for being an independent breed and sometimes uniquely stubborn. However, training can help to correct this — or better yet, redirect it.

Siberian Huskies are particularly loving animals and can be especially fond of the humans around them. While this may make them less than ideal as watchdogs, it can be helpful for them to work as service dogs or ESAs. They will develop a strong loyalty to their human owners and a particular affection expressed as a persistent need for attention.

If an owner expects to be away frequently, this can be challenging. However, huskies can be rewarding if the human owner needs consistent help from a service animal.

Skilled Sled Dogs

Finally, huskies have skills that stand out from most dog breeds: They are exceptional sled dogs—the original reason for breeding them and remain any husky's intuitive skill.

These traits also mean huskies are particularly useful as search-and-rescue animals. They are sometimes used in cold climates, on ski mountains, in the wilderness, and in similar places where essential search-and-rescue service animals are needed. While using a husky as a sled dog is less common today, this may still be a worthwhile attribute in colder and more remote regions.

Husky Service Dog

What Tasks Can a Husky Perform?

Huskies may not be the most common choice for service dogs (other breeds are often more popular), but they can still train to perform specific tasks.

Search and Rescue

As noted, huskies are famous for their search-and-rescue abilities though this may seem irrelevant to the husky owners of today. However, this may be relevant depending on the climate and setting a dog owner lives. For instance, a dog owner living in a remote area could benefit from having a husky service dog as a search-and-rescue animal. Huskies can also be essential for local emergency responders— police, firefighters, EMTs, or others — to assist in search-and-rescue cases, particularly in snowy areas.

Guiding Individuals With Visual Impairment

Huskies are good medium-sized dogs and can be helpful as seeing-eye dogs. While considerable obedience training may be necessary to discourage the stubbornness that is often innate in the breed, their size and loyalty can make them a strong candidate for a guide dog and develop a strong bond with their owner.

Psychiatric Support Dogs

Huskies' playfulness, attention-seeking, and loving nature can make them effective psychiatric service dogs. Huskies are great pets despite being a little stubborn and challenging to manage. However, they consistently seek attention. If giving attention is used to train them for tasks appropriate to a psychiatric support dog, they can learn to manage their impulses and provide a supportive bond for individuals with mental disabilities who are in need.

Other Tasks (With Training)

A Siberian husky is not the most common type of service dog. In practice, huskies were primarily bred for running and leading sleds, responding to orders rapidly. Once an immediate activity is over, they may grow bored and become more stubborn.

However, huskies are also trainable and intelligent dogs, particularly with a pet owner devoted to doing the work. A husky can be an effective service dog with consistent training, effort, and patience.

Husky Service Dog

How To Get a Husky Service Dog

Getting a Husky service dog requires that you be diagnosed with a disability that a service animal can assist you with. At Pettable you can schedule a free consultation with a licensed mental health professional and they may give you a PSD letter certifying your need for a psychiatric service dog.

If you are diagnosed with a disability, you will need to train a Husky to perform tasks that assist you with that disability. The training can be completed by a professional dog trainer or by yourself, and the dog will need to have further obedience training to ensure it acts well in public spaces. If you opt to self-train a Husky service dog, you may be interested in Pettable’s online PSD training program – an on-demand, video-based course led by a professional service dog trainer and designed to teach those with no experience how to effectively train a psychiatric service dog. See if a PSD is the right fit for you through our online quiz.

Can I Train My Own Husky To Be a Service Dog?

You can train your husky to be a service dog. However, you will have to begin this process early. Huskies' independent nature makes them stubborn and sometimes uniquely challenging to train. Consistent and reliable training beginning when your dog is a puppy can help to make this objective more practicable. Professional advice and visits to experienced dog trainers can be constructive if this is your goal.

If your goal is to train a Husky yourself, we have created an online PSD training program that can assist you in this process. This online course will teach you effective methods for training your dog to perform specific, mental health related tasks for intervention when needed, as well as basic obedience training. The program is led by a certified PSD trainer and can be completed over any period of time.

Where Can I Adopt a Service Dog?

Because huskies are not typically bred to be service dogs, they'll need explicit training to fulfill this role. Your best bet is, to begin with, a puppy and provide consistent training early on in such cases. Many husky breeders and several husky rescue services can help obtain a young husky. 

What Disabilities Qualify for a Service Dog?

Service dogs are employed to serve both physical and mental disabilities, including:

  • Blindness
  • Auditory disabilities
  • Epilepsy
  • Autism
  • Mental disabilities including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and other conditions

Huskies may be trained to assist with many of these roles, but given the breed's stubbornness, they may be best suited to support individuals with mental disabilities.

Husky Service Dog

What is the ACAA?

The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) is a law that makes it illegal for travel providers to discriminate against people with disabilities, and it requires that air travel be made accessible to all passengers. All accommodations provided to meet that standard must be given free of charge. 

In addition to the ACAA, disabled passengers should also know about the Bill of Rights for Disabled Passengers. This bill of rights includes ten legal protections passengers have as airline patrons in the United States. This does not expand or restrict any disability rights established already but summarizes existing law. 

Recent Changes in Airplane ESA Policy 

In December 2020, The United States Department of Transportation amended its rules on emotional support animals. Effective January 2021, the US DOT no longer classifies ESAs as service pets. The new laws, similar to the Americans with Disabilities Act, define a service animal as a "dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability."

As of September 2022, there have been no policy changes regarding which animals are allowed to board with passengers. 

Airline Pet Policies to Know 

If you plan on traveling with a husky, there are many things to consider to ensure safe travels for you and your dog. There are some airline-specific rules you should be aware of, but there are some general rules to get you started. 

Most, if not all, airlines will require you to pay a fee to bring your husky as a carry-on for the flight. This fee may increase depending on the size and weight of your dog. 

Some airlines restrict the breed of dogs that can be stored in cargo. Short-nosed breeds will not commonly be allowed because they will likely have difficulty breathing during the flight. 

Travel requirements may change between domestic, international, and US inbound, so you should ensure you know the laws and procedures of the country you are flying to or from. 

What's the Difference Between Psychiatric Service Dogs and Emotional Support Dogs?

The primary difference between psychiatric service dogs and emotional support dogs is training. While both provide mental and emotional support, psychiatric service dogs assist and perform unique tasks for which they need training. Emotional support dogs provide support through their presence.

Another significant difference between ESAs and psychiatric service dogs is their right to be in public and private spaces. Because ESAs are not service dogs, their handlers must follow the rules of any private businesses or public spaces. Psychiatric service dogs are service dogs, so they can be in "no pet" spaces to remain with their handler.

Frequently Asked Questions About Husky Service Dogs

There is much to learn if you consider getting your service dog. 

How much does a service dog cost?

Huskies are not typically sold to be service dogs, and a husky puppy may cost around $1,000. This price will likely be considerably less from a shelter (as opposed to a breeder.) You should also consider training costs, which can be significant if opting to use a professional dog trainer. However, Pettable offers an online psychiatric service dog training program so you can train your own Husky service dog, starting at $199.

How to catch a fake service dog?

A service dog must be well-trained and obedient; if a dog is not obeying commands or straying from its owner, they are likely not a real service animal.

Can you get a service dog for anxiety? 

When well-trained, huskies are very loving animals and can provide reliable support for anxiety.

Can any dog be a service dog?

In theory, any dog can be a service dog, but the service in question is a factor. For instance, small dog breeds are unlikely to make good seeing-eye dogs. Generally, species like the border collie, standard husky, German shepherd, and golden retriever make great service dogs.

Do service dogs have to be on a leash?

Yes, all service dogs must be on a leash.

Does insurance cover service dogs?

No, insurance does not cover the cost of service dogs.

How to get a psychiatric service dog?

To get a psychiatric service dog, you need a diagnosis from a mental health professional of a qualifying mental health disability and a corresponding "prescription" for a service animal.

How long does it take to train service dogs?

Huskies are notoriously stubborn and may take two years to become reliable service dogs. Ultimately, the time for training will depend on your specific dogs ability to respond to dog training. Because of this, Pettable’s online PSD training program is entirely self-paced and can be completed on any timeline.

Are service dogs allowed everywhere?

Service dogs, including huskies, are allowed in areas where the public can go, with some reasonable exceptions (for instance, sterile environments like commercial kitchens).

How to get a service dog for PTSD?

To get a service dog for PTSD, you will need a diagnosis from a mental health professional and a "prescription" service dog.

Does My Psychiatric Service Dog Need A Vest?

According to the ADA, psychiatric service dogs are not required to wear vests or any identification. You are welcome to buy an identifying vest if you believe that that will make you feel more comfortable being in public with your PSD, but the choice is up to you. 

What Can Disqualify A Husky From Becoming A Service Dog?

Generally, dogs that display aggressive behaviors in public are poor choices to be PSDs because private businesses are legally allowed to ask you to leave if your service dog is behaving unruly. 

How Many Tasks Does A Service Dog Need To Know?

There is not a specific number of tasks a service dog needs to be able to complete to be considered a "real" service dog. They need to be able to complete at least one task related to their condition or illness, and if you want to teach them more, you can!

What Age Is Too Late To Train A Service Animal?

There isn't a specific age that makes it impossible to be trained. As long as your dog can or has the accommodations to follow you around and provide support, they are the right age. 

There are also benefits and drawbacks to providing training to a dog at any age, so it is best to do what works for you and your situation.

Meet the author:
Susana Bradford

Susana is an avid animal lover and has been around animals her entire life, and has volunteered at several different animal shelters in Southern California. She has a loving family at home that consists of her husband, son, two dogs, and one cat. She enjoys trying new Italian recipes, playing piano, making pottery, and outdoor hiking with her family and dogs in her spare time.

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