What are some Common Symptoms of ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common mental health condition affecting millions of people. It often begins in childhood and can continue into adulthood. Symptoms include:
- Inattention
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsiveness
- Difficulty staying focused
- Trouble organizing tasks.
If you suspect you have ADHD, it's essential to see a licensed mental health professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Early intervention can significantly improve your quality of life.

What are Some Effective Coping Methods for ADHD?
There are various strategies to cope with ADHD, including:
- Medication
- Therapy
- Lifestyle changes
- Assistance animals
Animals, especially emotional support animals (ESAs) and psychiatric service dogs, can be extremely beneficial. These animals provide companionship, reduce stress, and help manage symptoms by creating a sense of routine and responsibility. Psychiatric service dogs are specifically trained to recognize symptoms of your ADHD and perform tasks to help alleviate those symptoms. Emotional support animals on the other hand are not trained, and provide assistance purely through their comforting presence.
Emotional support animals (ESAs) can offer significant benefits to individuals with ADHD. They provide comfort, support, and unconditional love, which can help manage symptoms. ESAs encourage a daily routine, promoting structure and organization. Simply having an ESA by your side can reduce feelings of anxiety and improve focus, making it easier to cope with the challenges of ADHD. Any pet can become an emotional support animal so long as they alleviate a symptom of your mental health condition.
Can You Get an Emotional Support Animal for ADHD?
Yes, ADHD is one of the mental health conditions that qualifies for an emotional support animal. Other conditions include anxiety, depression, PTSD, and many others. To get an ESA, you'll need to consult with a licensed clinician who can confirm that an emotional support animal alleviates one of the symptoms of your your mental health condition. A professional evaluation is necessary (required by law) to ensure that you receive the appropriate support for your condition, and that your need for an emotional support animal is officially documented with an ESA letter.
Find Out If You Qualify

How Can I Get an Emotional Support Animal for My ADHD?
An ESA letter proves your need for an emotional support animal, granting rights like exemption from housing pet restrictions, pet fees, and generally just lets you keep your pet with you. To get one for ADHD, confirm your diagnosis, ensure a pet helps your symptoms, and consult a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) to obtain the necessary letter. Pettable can connect you with an LMHP who can assess your needs and provide the letter if you qualify.
Find Out If You QualifyAn ESA Letter is an essential document that makes your pet an official emotional support animal. With an ESA letter you can live anywhere with your pet, and are exempt from pet rent, fees, or restrictions. Pettable makes getting an ESA letter simple, heres how it works: