All dog lovers want nothing but the best for their canine companions, which is why it can be worrying when they act anxious. Just like humans, dogs can often find themselves in stressful situations, and as a responsible dog owner, it’s important to recognize signs of displacement behavior in dogs and know what to do to relieve your pup of their underlying anxiety. Learn how to identify these signs and how dog obedience training can help avert stressful situations.
5 Examples of Displacement Behavior in Dogs
Displacement behaviors in dogs are actions exhibited when a dog experiences conflicting emotions or stress, often serving as a way to cope with the situation. An example of displacement behavior includes a dog scratching itself excessively when faced with a stressful social interaction, indicating the dog's attempt to redirect its emotional tension.
In this article

What is a Displacement Behavior?
Simply put, displacement behavior is when your dog displays normal behaviors in out-of-context situations. These behaviors indicate that the dog is experiencing some level of discomfort in their current situation, requiring human intervention to avoid escalation, such as lashing out with barks or bites. Displacement can occur due to frustrations, conflicting emotions, or contradictory impulses, and they can be signs that the dog is tired, anxious, or afraid.
How to Identify Displacement Behavior in Dogs
As a responsible dog owner, it’s important to keep an eye on your pup to catch displacement behaviors before they escalate. However, it’s actually a good thing that your canine is displaying these behaviors — it’s their way of showing you that they are anxious or uncomfortable and that they need you to intervene before the discomfort leads them to attack a stranger or child.
5 Examples of Displacement Behavior in Dogs
As you observe your dog’s behavior, keep an eye out for any of these behaviors occurring out of their normal context:
1. Sniffing
Dogs love sniffing around their environments, both for enjoyment and to gather information. But, if you see your pup’s nose going crazy over nothing, it could be a sign of stress. This could occur when they are overwhelmed interacting with new dogs or humans, or any number of other stressful situations. However, sniffing is also a stress-relieving behavior for many dogs, and the act can soothe them when they are uncomfortable, so it’s important to recognize the level of dog anxiety.
2. Tail Wagging
When your dog’s tail is wagging like crazy, it’s easy to misidentify the behavior as a sign of happiness, but not all wags mean the same thing. If your dog’s tail is wagging low, slowly, high and stiff, or is tucked between its legs, it could be a signal that they are stressed, agitated, or unsure. The direction its tail is wagging can also be a clear sign of its emotional state — a wag to the left can communicate concern or discomfort, while a wag to the right might indicate pleasant feelings.
3. Pacing
Sometimes, even the calmest dogs get restless. If your dog is pacing back and forth or from room to room, it could be in an elevated state of anxiety without an easy way to settle down. Exercise is one of the best remedies for dogs (and their humans), so this is a great time to take a long, relaxing walk.
4. Scratching
Occasionally, an itch comes out of nowhere, for dogs and humans alike. But if your canine companion starts to scratch out of nowhere or without an apparent focus, it could be a sign of stress or agitation. This extends to excessive grooming or paw licking and biting.
5. Yawning
If your dog has just woken up from a relaxing nap, yawning is not out of the ordinary, but if it occurs out of the blue, it could be a sign of stress or discomfort. These yawns might be more frequent than normal and appear short and exaggerated, like a slight jaw stretch. In this state, their ears might go back, and their eyes may widen; these are all signs that you need to step in and relieve your dog from its stressful situation.
Are Displacement Behaviors in Dogs Bad?
While the stress your dog is experiencing is bad, their display of displacement behaviors is a good thing. It’s their way of signaling to you that they need your help to relieve them of their discomfort and to remove them from their distressing situation. One of the best ways you can help your furry friend is by enrolling them in a professional dog behavioral training program.
Online Dog Training Courses - Pettable Academy
At Pettable Academy, we are committed to giving your dog the training they need to live a happy and less stressful life. Our friendly, certified professionals provide online dog training courses at a pace that works for both you and your companion, giving them the basic obedience skills they need to navigate the world. Contact Pettable Academy today and help your dog overcome their displacement behaviors so both of you can experience a happier, stress-free life!