How Long Does It Take to Get an ESA Letter? A Guide for Patients

December 19, 2024
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Wondering how long it takes to get an ESA letter? Find out the typical timelines, factors affecting the process, and tips for quicker approvals through online or in-person options.
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How Long Does It Take to Get an ESA Letter? A Guide for Patients

Multiple factors can impact the ESA letter process and effect how long it will take to receive your letter, including state laws & where you are getting your ESA letter from. We outline how these factors can vary, and your options for speeding up the ESA letter process.

Alicia Ramella
January 15, 2025
December 19, 2024
12 minute read
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December 19, 2024
December 18, 2024
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Wondering how long it takes to get an ESA letter? Find out the typical timelines, factors affecting the process, and tips for quicker approvals through online or in-person options.

Bottom Line

  • ‍Timelines for ESA letters vary depending on the provider and state laws, typically taking anywhere from 24 hours to several weeks.‍
  • Online services are the fastest option, with some delivering ESA letters in as little as 24-48 hours after a consultation.‍
  • State-specific regulations can delay the process, such as requirements for multiple consultations or a 30-day provider relationship.‍
  • Proper preparation can speed things up, including gathering documentation, exploring telehealth services, and clearly communicating your needs to your provider.

Emotional support animals play a major role in their owners' lives. Pet owners know that their animals can bring a smile to their faces, even on the darkest of days. A recent poll of around 2,200 adult pet owners found that 84% stated that their pets positively impact their mental health.

If you are a pet owner suffering from a mental health issue, your loving animal may be a comfort to you, too. But what if you are worried that you may be unable to live with your pet in your housing situation? Or maybe the pet fees are piling up on you, and it's getting harder to make ends meet.

One solution to this issue is obtaining an emotional support animal (ESA) letter from your doctor. This letter, a written prescription for an ESA by your doctor or mental health professional, can bring a sense of relief. ESA letters are crucial as they help you secure housing, allowing you to live with your animal comfortably without paying pet fees or dealing with a 'no pet' policy.

You might wonder, “How long does it take to get an ESA letter?” This article will cover the average time it takes to get an ESA letter, the factors that can slow the process, and answer the question of how long it takes to get an ESA letter from your doctor and more.

ESA Letter Timeline

Getting an ESA letter can take anywhere from 24 hours to several weeks, depending on your approach and local regulations. Online services like Pettable offer faster options, often delivering letters within 48 hours, while in-person visits may take longer due to scheduling and legal requirements. Factors such as your provider’s familiarity with ESA regulations and state-specific rules can also impact timing. To expedite the process, gather necessary documentation, communicate your needs clearly, and explore telehealth services. An ESA letter not only provides peace of mind but also ensures you and your pet can live together without housing restrictions or fees.

Average Time to Get an ESA Letter

If you’re wondering, “How long does it take to get an ESA letter?” the answer is that it varies. A general rule of thumb is that it will take between 24 hours and 1-2 weeks. It really depends on your provider and the method you use to obtain your ESA certification.

A couple of different states have their own rules that you must follow, which could add more to the time frame, but you will want to check with your state’s law to find out more. You have several options for obtaining an ESA letter, including online services and in-person visits. Let’s look into these two pathways more closely.

Online Services

One of the quickest ways to get your ESA letter is to work with an online ESA letter service provider. Reputable service providers, like Pettable, connect you with a licensed mental health practitioner (LMHP) from your state. The LMHP can then do your evaluation and determine if an ESA is the right fit for your mental health condition. If you qualify, the LMHP can write your ESA letter and sometimes get it back to you within 24 hours of your evaluation! Many online services can send fast-tracked ESA letters within 24-48 hours.

In-Person Visits

You can always go through your traditional in-person visit with a healthcare provider and ask them to write an ESA letter. Depending on their open appointments, you could wait anywhere from one to three weeks to get your ESA letter. If you already have a working relationship with a therapist, you may only have to wait a few days to get your ESA letter.

However, suppose you do not have a relationship with an LMHP. In that case, you must have an appointment to establish your relationship. Then, they can evaluate your mental health and situation to determine if an ESA is a good fit.

Again, it's important to note that in some states, you must have a working relationship with your provider for at least 30 days before they can write your ESA letter.

How Long Does It Take to Get an ESA Letter from Your Doctor?

So, how long does it take to get an ESA letter from your doctor? First, you will need to find a therapist or general practitioner. Then, let's look at the step-by-step process for getting an ESA letter from a doctor so you can feel informed and ready to go.

Step-by-Step Timeline

Here is an easy step-by-step breakdown of a potential timeline for getting an ESA letter from a doctor.

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment

The first step in getting an ESA letter from a doctor is simple: schedule your appointment. However, depending on your doctor's availability and your availability, this step can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Step 2: Consultation

The next step is easy: you and your doctor will have a consultation. This is often a single session where you will get to explain your mental health issues and how your animal helps to relieve some of your symptoms. Some doctors or therapists may require multiple consultations to evaluate you and your need for an ESA properly. This step may take longer if multiple appointments are necessary, but usually, only one is required.

Step 3: Letter Processing

The third and final step is processing your ESA letter. Once approved, your doctor or LMHP will write and send you your letter. You can expect to receive your letter in 1-2 business days.

Key Factors that Affect Timing

There are some factors that you must take into consideration that could potentially slow down the process of obtaining your ESA letter. For one, the doctor's familiarity with the ESA letter regulations. Some doctors, particularly general practitioners, may not be aware of the requirements for ESA letters and may consult state and federal laws before issuing one.

Another possible consideration is that some doctors may feel uncomfortable determining eligibility for ESAs. Not every doctor has extensive mental health experience, and they may want to consult another doctor or a mental health professional before writing your ESA letter. Some doctors may even refer you to a mental health professional for your evaluation as they may not be comfortable diagnosing mental health conditions or writing ESA letters.

Let’s look at the factors that affect how long it takes to get an ESA letter.

Factors That Impact How Long It Takes to Get an ESA Letter

Several factors should be considered when asking, “How long does it take to get an ESA letter?” Your doctor's schedule, the type of provider, or legal requirements can all determine the speed at which you can get your ESA letter. We will look at each of these points in more detail.

Doctor's Schedule

One of the significant factors when considering how long it takes to get an ESA letter from a doctor is simply their schedule. Some doctors are busy and may not have open appointments for a month or more. Or your doctor's schedule never aligns with your own due to work or household duties. Either way, how soon you can get an appointment depends on your doctor's availability, especially if they are busy.

Type of Provider

Another major factor contributing to how long it takes to get an ESA letter from a doctor is the type of doctor. For example, if you see an LMHP like a counselor or a psychologist, they are most likely more familiar with ESA letters and can provide them quickly. On the other hand, a general practitioner may be willing to write you an ESA letter but may need to be more familiar with the requirements for the letter and want to find out more before they write it. So, if you are in a hurry, you should check with an LMHP.

Telehealth Options

One of the best ways to speed up obtaining your ESA letter is to work with telehealth options. If your provider offers a telehealth option, you could meet up with them sooner from your home. 

You could also explore online service providers that can connect you with an LMHP in your state who will conduct a telehealth appointment before writing your ESA letter. Using online telehealth services can streamline your ESA letter, sometimes allowing you to receive your ESA letter between 24-48 hours.

Legal Requirements

Legal requirements could extend the timeline for your ESA letter. For example, states like California and Montana require multiple consultations with an LMHP before issuing the ESA letter.

Some states, like Arkansas, require a 30-day working relationship with your provider, which can also extend the timeline. It's crucial when you are trying to find out how long it takes to get an ESA letter from your doctor that you take into account the laws in your state regarding ESA letter requirements.

How to Speed Up the Process of Getting an ESA Letter

You've been to the doctor and are patiently waiting, wondering, "How long does it take to get an ESA letter?" Let's examine some of the steps you can take to speed up the ESA letter process.

Have the Proper Documentation

When working on getting an ESA letter from your doctor, there are some ways to speed up the process. First, you want to ensure you have all of your necessary documentation. So, this would include any mental health assessments or diagnoses, doctor records, medical history, and some examples of how your pet has helped your mental health condition.

Be Crystal Clear About Your Needs

The next step to ensuring that you get your ESA letter as quickly as possible is to get crystal clear on your needs. Let your doctor or healthcare professional know precisely how your ESA helps to alleviate your mental health symptoms. 

You could write some specific examples for reference during your appointment or list the symptoms they help you manage. The process can move much quicker if the provider knows everything about your mental health and ESA.

Consider Telehealth Choices

If your doctor's schedule is full, and you can't get an appointment soon, you can always consider using an online telehealth service. Legitimate online service providers work directly with LMHPs. These professionals know about ESAs and their benefits and want to help you on your journey of living with your ESA. You can contact an online service such as Pettable to connect to an LMHP in your state. The process takes just a few minutes to start.

It is difficult to answer the question, “How long does it take to get an ESA letter?” However, using a telehealth service provider can sometimes help you get an ESA letter within 24-48 hours.

What to Do if Your ESA Letter is Delayed

Delays in receiving your ESA letter can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to address the situation. So, how can I get an ESA letter from my doctor faster? Here are some options to consider.

Follow Up With Your Doctor

When figuring out how to get an ESA letter from a doctor, there may be times when your ESA letter is delayed.  If your ESA letter is delayed, you can always contact the doctor's office for updates on its status. It’s possible that your ESA letter was simply misplaced. Perhaps the doctor became very busy with other patients and forgot about it. Either way, it's always a good idea to call and see if there are any updates on your ESA letter.

Check for Legal Compliance Issues

There could be some state-specific laws that are holding your ESA letter back. For example, you may need multiple appointments before the letter can be written. Or you may have to have a 30-day prior relationship. You must check with your state's laws to find out more. 

One reason it's easy to use online ESA letter telehealth services is because they understand your state's laws. They will let you know in advance if you have to wait.

Explore Alternative Options

If your doctor cannot process your ESA letter quickly, you could consider an alternative provider. Reputable online ESA services are a great backup if you cannot get your ESA letter as soon as you’d like. 

Perhaps your provider wouldn't write the ESA letter for you because they felt uncomfortable because they didn't know enough about emotional support animals. In that case, checking with online ESA letter service providers like Pettable is also a good idea to get an ESA letter within 48 hours.


Let's examine some common FAQs, such as, "How long does it take to get an ESA letter?"  

How quickly can I get an ESA letter?

How fast you get your ESA letter can depend on several factors. Typically, it takes anywhere from 24 hours to a month, depending on factors such as your provider and state laws.

Can I get an ESA letter in 24 hours?

If you work with an online service provider, you may receive an ESA letter within 24 hours. It’s also possible if you already have a therapist who knows your situation and is willing to write you one immediately. Most often, the average waiting time for an ESA letter can range from 24 hours to a couple of weeks.

Why is my ESA letter taking so long?

Several factors must be considered when determining how long it takes to get an ESA letter from your doctor. For one, your doctor's practice could be extremely busy, and they still need to write it. Or your provider may need to learn more about ESA letters. They may choose to read the laws and requirements before writing one. Some state-specific laws or guidelines require your doctor to have more than one consultation before the letter can be written. 

When waiting for an ESA letter that is taking longer, the best thing you can do is call and check for any updates.

What if my doctor doesn't write ESA letters?

If your doctor decides not to write your ESA letter, do not take it personally. Some doctors just do not feel comfortable writing ESA letters. They may not have a mental health background or simply don’t know the laws regarding ESAs. In that case, you should seek a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, for a consultation to determine if they can provide your ESA letter. Another great option is to find a legitimate online service provider. These service providers, like Pettable, connect you with professional LMHPs from your state who are comfortable writing ESA letters for qualified individuals.

Is an ESA letter from an online service valid?

You can receive valid ESA letters from reputable ESA letter service providers. It will be a legitimate ESA letter if written by a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) who gives you a proper consultation.

Be cautious of ESA letter scam websites that promise immediate letters.  Before an ESA letter can be considered legal, you must consult with an LMHP. 


An ESA letter can ensure you and your pet live together while reducing mental health symptoms. The timeframe for receiving an ESA letter varies. Still, depending on your provider, you can expect to wait anywhere from 24 hours to a couple of weeks. Of course, there are some other factors to consider, such as your state's ESA letter laws. You should get your ESA letter quickly if you have the proper documents for your doctor's appointment.

If you are looking for a quick way to get your ESA letter, you can contact a legitimate ESA letter service provider. When you choose us, you can expect a consultation with one of our LMHPs at Pettable. The LMHP you will see will understand the laws in your state and what information is necessary for the ESA letter to comply with the Fair Housing Act (FHA). You can expect to receive your letter within approximately 48 hours after your consultation. To get started, take our brief survey, and let's help you qualify your amazing animal as an ESA today.

Meet the author:
Alicia Ramella

Alicia Ramella is a freelance writer specializing in mental health and wellness. She has been writing professionally for over three years in this space. Her work has been featured on reputable sites like and many other health and wellness websites.

Alicia is also a life coach, a podcaster, and a nutrition nut with a background in psychology. She plays with her two children in her free time and enjoys music, gardening, and nature.

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