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Explore our collection of articles covering pet care, training, and how to make your pet an emotional support animal. Get expert insights on everything from basic pet care to turning your companion into an ESA, all in one place.

Kristi Carignan
January 12, 2024
Updated By
September 27, 2023
Expert Reviewed By:


Pets are domesticated animals cherished for their companionship and affection, often serving as valuable assets for both physical and mental health. Their presence can offer comfort, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. Additionally, making a pet an emotional support animal (ESA) can provide therapeutic benefits, as ESAs offer support and companionship to individuals experiencing emotional or mental health challenges, contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Pet Care

Pets are an important part of the family. Our furry friends bring us unparalleled comfort and joy and undoubtedly, we want the best for them. Being a good pet owner means committing to keeping our animals healthy and happy. It involves giving them the right food and medical care as well as enough engagement, mental stimulation, and physical activity.

From feeding them correctly to taking them for regular veterinary checks, caring for a pet entails a huge amount of dedication and responsibility. It’s also a super rewarding relationship that will fill your life with oodles of love and affection. 

How to Take Care of Pets

In this section, we will explore everything you need to know about taking care of your pets. 

What Can I Feed My Pets?

Feeding your animals a high-quality diet is essential for their health. 

Different pets need different foods. What you feed a rabbit, for example, will differ dramatically from what you feed a dog or a snake. As such, it is always best to speak to your veterinarian and ask them about the best, most nutritional food for the specific species and breed. 

There are many choices when it comes to feeding pet dogs. Canine diets should be well-balanced, and nutritionally dense, and the amount you feed your pet will depend on the type of food and the animal’s weight. Options for dog owners include:

  • Kibble 
  • A mixture of kibble and wet food 
  • A mixture of kibble and meats and vegetables 
  • Raw food (ensure this has been specially formulated by a veterinary nutritionist to ensure it’s properly balanced and free from food-borne disease and bacteria)

It’s vital to feed according to your animal's weight as obesity in dogs can cause many health concerns down the line. By the same token, under-feeding can also cause health problems and as such, it is important to weigh your dog and feed them the recommended amount stipulated by the food supplier. 

What Medicine is Safe for Pets?

Much like food, different medications will be safe for different species. It is imperative to take your animal for regular veterinary consultations.

As Dr. Shermaine Wilson Cox shares:

“Regular veterinary visits will allow veterinarians to prevent disease or provide early treatment if problems arise.”

Vet visits can prevent disease or catch problems before they cause havoc. Vets will dispense the appropriate medication for the specific ailment. Routine visits also allow pet owners to ensure that their animal’s vaccinations are up to date and allow vets to check the animal's weight, dental health, and overall condition. 

Never medicate your pet without consulting a qualified vet first and always give them the medication exactly as directed. 

Ideally, it is worth looking into pet insurance to safeguard against unexpected - and costly -  medical problems.

Benefits of Having a Pet

Any pet owner knows just how much joy our furry friends bring us but did you know that they can also offer significant health benefits to their humans? Advantages of caring for a pet include: 

  • They provide huge amounts of comfort and love 
  • They create a healthy and positive routine for owners 
  • They can reduce feelings of anxiety and loneliness 
  • They can reduce stress by lowering stress hormone levels and promoting happy hormones 
  • They offer owners opportunities to move their bodies and get outside which has a dramatic impact on mental and physical health 
  • They offer more opportunities for owners to socialize (for example, on dog walks)

Choosing a breed and species depends on many factors and owners should ask themselves the following questions before investing in an animal.

  1. How long might the animal live and can I commit to owning and caring for them for the duration of their life?
  2. How large will the animal become and do I have the space?
  3. Do I have the resources to afford adequate veterinary care and food costs?
  4. Do I have the time to properly care for them and invest in their training?
  5. Can I commit to the animal's exercise/engagement needs?
  6. Will the animal integrate with other family members and other animals?

How to Train Your Pet

Training your pet is a huge part of being a responsible pet owner. Training animals like dogs keeps them safe, well-socialized, and responsive to your cues. Training is best done alongside a qualified animal trainer who can equip you with the right knowledge and skills to communicate with your dog. There are both online and in-person options, depending on your needs. 

Online Dog Training

Online dog training is a fantastic option for pet owners who want to master the basics. There are great perks when it comes to online classes, including:

  • Greater flexibility 
  • More cost-effective 
  • Self-paced learning 
  • Zero travel time 
  • Better suited for dogs who get overstimulated in new environments 
  • Accessible for the entire family 

Pettable Academy’s online classes consist of two video-based programs with a certified trainer, Lisa Gallegos, CPDT-KA. The first series is called Puppy Kindergarten. This program runs over 13 videos and ensures that your puppy learns positive behaviors from the get-go. The classes focus on puppy training, teething, and puppy-proofing your home. 

The next program is Focus Training which runs over 17 lessons and focuses on basic commands, obedience training, and improving manners. 

Dog Obedience Training

Obedience classes teach your pup basic obedience and manners. They will learn important commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘leave it’, and ‘lie down.’ They will also learn good manners, including how to greet other people and dogs respectively and how to walk properly on a leash. 

More advanced obedience training focuses on recall so that pups can walk off leash and come back to owners when called. Owners might also look into more advanced training options like agility if their dog has a particular affinity to training.

Puppy Training

Puppy training instills positive behaviors in your pup from the get-go and teaches them basic manners and potty skills. It's important to think about how you will train your dog from an early age as that is when they are most receptive to learning new things. Bringing a new puppy into your life can be stressful but if you are equipped with the right knowledge and tools you can set up your furry friend to be a well behaved adult.

GO Deeper

10 Basic Dog Commands Your Dog Needs to Know

Knowing basic dog commands is the first step in teaching your dog good behavior. When your furry friend has the basic dog commands down, you know you can take them into new situations and be able to manage them when meeting new people or when you’re out in public together. These 10 basic dog commands will be the foundation of training your dog properly.

Where Can I Take My Pet?

Pet owners, or those with emotional support animals (ESAs) often wonder where they can take their pets. Let’s explore some pet-friendly establishments and those that only allow service animals. 

Pets can join owners at pet-friendly establishments. Always call in advance to check their pet policy and avoid disappointment. If you can’t take your pet along, consider asking a trusted friend to watch them while you’re away.

List of Pet-Friendly Stores

While all stores in the US allow service animals, pet animals, and ESAs are only allowed in pet-friendly stores. These include:

  • The Apple Store (most stores)
  • Bass Pro Shops 
  • Home Depot (some stores)
  • Lowes
  • Macy’s (some stores)
  • Nordstrom 
  • Petco
  • Pottery Barn (most stores)
  • TJ Maxx
  • Tractor Supply Co

Some independent cafes, restaurants, and stores might also allow pups, but always call them to check beforehand

Pet-Friendly National Parks

All national parks allow service animals as per the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many others allow leashed, well-behaved dogs on certain hiking trails or developed areas. These parks include:

  • Acadia National Park, Maine
  • Gateway Arch National Park, Missouri
  • Indiana Dunes National Park, Indiana 
  • New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, West Virginia
  • Olympic National Park, Washington
  • Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
  • White Sands National Park, New Mexico
  • Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska
  • Yosemite National Park, California

Places You Can’t Take Your Pet

Unfortunately, not all establishments are pet friendly, unless you have a service animal. Generally speaking, pets and ESAs are not allowed in:

  • Grocery stores 
  • Restaurants 
  • Hospitals 
  • Schools 

Can I Take My Pet on an Airplane

Pets are allowed on certain airlines, however, this is at the discretion of the airline. Many airlines have weight and breed restrictions when it comes to pet animals and emotional support animals. Oftentimes, owners will have to pay an additional fee for their pets to travel. Some smaller animals will be allowed in the cabin in a special animal carrier that fits below the seat in front. Larger animals will often have to fly in the hold. 

Service Dogs on Airplanes

All service dogs and psychiatric service dogs (PSD) are allowed on airplanes as per the ADA. Under this act, airlines must make reasonable accommodations for service dogs and allow them to travel in the cabin with their handler. According to the ADA, service animals must be trained to perform a specific disability-related task that helps their owner to function. 

Can I Take My Pet to a Hotel?

Yes. Pets and emotional support animals are allowed at animal-friendly hotels. However, many hotels choose not to allow pets or charge an extra fee so it is advisable to research thoroughly and contact the hotel prior to bringing your pet or an emotional support animal along with you. Service dogs, as per the ADA are allowed in any public area where humans are permitted, including hotels that are not pet-friendly. 

Can I Take My Pet to an Airbnb?

Pet-friendly Airbnbs will welcome pet animals and ESAs. Airbnb allows you to filter their available accommodations by whether they are pet friendly or not, so using this tool can make the process of finding a holiday stay significantly more straightforward. Be sure to get in touch with your Airbnb host as soon as possible to let them know you will be bringing a pet along and learn more about any specific rules they have ahead of time. As per ADA, all service dogs are allowed in Airbnb rentals, regardless of their pet policies. 

GO Deeper

Are Dogs Allowed in Walmart?

If you’re considering bringing your dog to Walmart, this guide contains all the important information you need to avoid disappointment and potential hassle.

Can I Make My Pet an Emotional Support Animal?

Any pet can be an emotional support animal (ESA) if it offers you support and companionship, alleviating conditions of a mental health disability. The process for making your pet an ESA is simple. You need to meet with a licensed mental health practitioner (LMHP) and have them write you an official ESA letter. This is an official document where the medical practitioner confirms that the owner has a valid mental health condition that benefits from the presence of an ESA. 

What is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)?

An emotional support animal is any domestic species of animal whose presence brings its owner comfort and support. These animals can alleviate the symptoms of mental health conditions - such as anxiety and depression - by offering unconditional love, routine, and companionship. Emotional support animals, unlike service animals, do not require any formal training. The only requirement for getting an ESA is having a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) confirm your mental health condition and therefore your need for an emotional support animal. If an LMHP is able to do this, they will write you a document called an ESA letter that confirms your pet's ESA status.

What Animals can be Emotional Support Animals?

Any legal domestic breed of animal can be an ESA. Popular emotional support animals include:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Rabbits
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Rats
  • Goats
  • Pigs
  • Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Miniature horses

Regardless of what pet you have, if it assists you with a mental health condition you should speak with a mental health professional in your state to determine your qualification and receive a legitimate ESA letter.

What is the Benefit of an Emotional Support Animal?

There are two main benefits of having an emotional support animal that can be crucial for someone with a mental health disability and significantly improve their quality of life:

  1. Emotional support animals provide comfort, routine, and companionship which can alleviate symptoms of a mental health disability.
  2. Due to the Fair Housing Act, emotional support animals are protected under federal law. As a result, legitimate emotional support animals are allowed to live in private housing regardless of "no pet" policies. Landlords are required to recognize ESA letters and provide reasonable accommodations.

How to Make Your Pet an Emotional Support Animal

If your pet provides comfort and helps you handle your mental health condition by providing therapeutic benefits, they are an ESA, but an ESA letter is needed to legitimize this role. In order to get an emotional support animal (ESA) letter you need to take the following steps:

1. Consult with a Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP) in Your State

The LMHP will determine whether or not you have a mental disability that qualifies for an emotional support animal, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. They will also need to confirm that having an emotional support animal helps alleviate the symptoms of your mental health condition.

2. Receive Your ESA Letter

The ESA letter issued to you by the LMHP will now be the document that confirms your pet as an emotional support animal. The letter needs to contain the LMHPs information, and signature, and confirm that you have a mental health condition (not specifying the precise diagnosis for your privacy) and that your ESA helps alleviate symptoms of that disability.

3. Present the ESA Letter to your Landlord

The final step is to present your landlord with your legitimate ESA letter, after which they will be required to offer reasonable accommodation allowing you to live with your pet, exempt from pet fees or restrictions. The landlord may only deny the accommodation if accepting your pet would cause undue financial hardship or present a threat to other tenants.

Be Wary of Illegitimate ESA Letter Providers

Additionally, make sure to steer clear of ESA letter providers whose practices do not line up with the regulations set forward in the Fair Housing Act or the above 3-step process. Any provider that does not offer a consultation with a mental health professional, requires you to "register" your ESA, or sells ESA vests & ID tags do not satisfy the requirements for a legitimate emotional support animal, and is essentially a scam.

What is an ESA Letter?

An ESA letter is an official letter written by an LMHP within a person’s home state. Much like a medical prescription, it highlights that the patient needs the ESA to function and confirms that they have a valid mental health condition that benefits from the ESA's presence. These letters can be shown to housing providers, under the Fair Housing Act, to ensure that they do not unfairly discriminate against ESAs. 

Service Dogs vs. Emotional Support Animals

Both ESAs and service animals provide huge therapeutic support. However, service animals are specifically trained to perform a disability function. For example, retrieving objects for a blind owner or alerting a handler with post-traumatic stress disorder about an oncoming panic attack. ESAsm while hugely comforting and therapeutic, provide comfort with their presence rather than performing a specific task. 

GO Deeper

How To Get An Emotional Support Animal

We consulted with mental health and legal experts to craft an in depth guide on everything you need to know in order to get an emotional support animal.

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Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Find out how to bathe a cat safely and effectively with our helpful tips. Ensure a stress-free bath time for you and your feline friend.

How Do I Bathe a Cat?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
August 30, 2023
It's not entirely clear why dogs turn around three times before lying down, but best guesses say that it may be genetically...

Why do Dogs Turn Around Three Times Before Lying Down?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Dogs with short noses tend to snuffle and snort because the way in which they are bred causes part of the top of their mouth to...

Why do Some Breeds of Dogs Snuffle and Snort?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Veterinarians generally recommend famotidine for cats that have stomach inflammation or acid reflux. It's also given to cats that...

What Is Famotidine for Cats?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
The most common medical causes of aggression in dogs are hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, and problems with the brain. The signs of...

What are Some Common Medical Causes of Aggression in Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Veterinarians often prescribe loratadine for dogs to treat canine allergies or skin irritation. Though it usually doesn't have any...

What Is Loratadine for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Famotidine for dogs is a human medication that's sometimes prescribed by vets for dogs with gastric ulcers. It blocks histamine...

What Is Famotidine for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Veterinarians generally prescribe mirtazapine for cats who have health conditions that suppress their appetite, cause them to...

What Are the Uses of Mirtazapine for Cats?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
There are three main types of cat food: dry, moist, and wet. The best cat foods have meat listed as a primary ingredient, and have...

What are the Different Types of Cat Food?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
While candy isn’t good for dogs, there may be some healing properties in licorice you didn’t know about.

How Safe is Licorice for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
August 30, 2023
The main advantages of using almonds for dogs are that they make a convenient snack and they're rich in nutrients. Despite this...

What Are the Pros and Cons of Almonds for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Buprenorphine is a powerful opiate that is available only by prescription. Veterinarians sometimes order buprenorphine for cats...

What Is Buprenorphine for Cats?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
The effects of catnip on dogs are not nearly as strong as on cats, but it can make them feel calm. It can also help a dog with...

What Are the Effects of Catnip on Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Jalapenos are typically not harmful to dogs, but they will cause them to sneeze and salivate. It's generally best to keep any...

Are Jalapenos and Their Stems and Leaves Harmful to Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
There are many reasons for a cat eating kitty litter: kittens sometimes eat kitty litter out of curiosity, while adult cats may...

Why is my Cat Eating Kitty Litter?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Dogs wag their tails to provide social cues and to express their feelings. If a dog is wagging its tail in an upright fashion...

Why do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Is your dog showing intense scratching? It could be due to fleas. The best way to prevent them is by investing in a flea collar.

How Do I Choose the Best Dog Flea Collar?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
September 28, 2022
Is your dog showing signs of constant itching? It may be possible that it is suffering from animal lice, which is easy to eliminate following a few steps.

How Do I Get Rid of Lice On Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Is your cat scratching intensely? It could be lice. Learn how to identify and treat lice in cats to keep your pet comfortable.

How Do I Get Rid of Lice On Cats?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Dogs are at risk for many things, including blisters. There are ways to treat blisters, from mouth to paw, to help your ESA heal.

How Do I Treat Dog Blisters?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Liver damage in dogs can be caused by many different factors, including old age, heartworm disease, consuming toxic substances...

What Causes Liver Damage in Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
 Ease your worries when your family pet is sick. Discover ways to provide comfort and support during their recovery journey at home.

How Do I Care For A Sick Dog?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 19, 2023
Pet owners often use aloe vera for dogs with flea bites, wounds, and allergies. Some also use it internally, but veterinarians say...

What Are the Uses of Aloe Vera for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
The most common signs of tetanus in dogs are an inability to blink, irritability, drooling, and muscle spasms. If the tetanus is...

What are the Signs of Tetanus in Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
August 30, 2023
The symptoms of parasites in dogs depend on the type of parasite. Dogs with skin parasites typically have hair loss, while those...

What are the Symptoms of Parasites in Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
There are many common reasons for a cat vomiting, including the cat eating too fast, the cat vomiting up hairballs, and the cat...

What are Common Reasons for Cat Vomiting?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
When treating a dog's medical issues like an eye infection, home remedies can help, but approach with caution as it varies based on your pup's condition.

How Do I Treat A Dog Eye Infection?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
November 9, 2022
Vets generally recommend clindamycin for dogs that have soft tissue infections or abscesses. Depending on the type and location of...

What Are the Uses of Clindamycin for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Ensure your pet's health and nutrition with a variety of options beyond commercial pet food. Explore alternative choices to keep your furry companion nourished.

What are Some Alternatives to Commercial Pet Food for Cats and Dogs

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 28, 2023
Using vitamin E for dogs can improve the texture of a dog's coat and skin, can improve a dog's immune system, and can reduce...

What Are the Benefits of Using Vitamin E for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Wanting to travel with your cat? If your cat shows symptoms of carsickness and anxiety, they can be easy fixes with a few steps.

How can I Prevent my Cat from Getting Car Sick?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
August 31, 2021
Using probiotics for dogs can improve a dog's intestinal and digestive health and give it a healthier coat; however, they can also...

What Are the Pros and Cons of Probiotics for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Enriched dog foods, fish, and bones all contain calcium that's suitable for dogs. Other good sources of calcium for dogs include...

What Are the Best Sources of Calcium for Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
Using tea tree oil for cats is dangerous because it can poison them, especially if it is not diluted properly or if the dosage is...

What Are the Dangers of Tea Tree Oil for Cats?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024
April 18, 2023
Warts on dogs can be caused by several things, but the most common cause is a contagious virus called papillomavirus. Other...

What Causes Warts on Dogs?

Susana Bradford
Susana Bradford
January 12, 2024

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